Final Fantasy VII FF7 Remake The Shinra Album Limited Edition CD Soundtrack
TGS 2021 Event Exclusive
A compilation album of all the Shinra songs from FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE
Composed by Nobuo Uematsu and arranged by Tsuyoshi Sekito, Mitsuto Suzuki, Yasunori Nishiki and Tadayoshi Makino
Brand New
Shinra's Theme
Shinra Creed
Maze of Scrap Metal
Critical Shot
The Turks' Theme
The Turks: Reno
The Shinra Building
Operation: Save Aerith
All Quiet at the Gates
Hand over Hand
Scarlet's Theme
Stewards of the Planet
Corporate Archives
Cultivating Madness
Another Day at Shinra HQ
The Turks' Theme - Office
Infiltrating Shinra HQ
The Drum
Final Experiment
Rufus Shinra
The Arsenal