Discover the Magic of This Soap Works - Your Natural Body and Face Care Solution!
Are you tired of searching high and low for the perfect body and face care products that not only deliver results but also embrace the power of nature? Look no further! This Soap Works is here to revolutionize your skincare routine with our exceptional range of all-natural products.

At This Soap Works, we believe that nature holds the key to unlocking radiant, healthy skin. That's why we carefully craft each product using only the finest, high-quality ingredients sourced directly from Mother Earth. Say goodbye to harsh chemicals and synthetic additives—our commitment to purity ensures that every item is free from harmful substances and full of the goodness that your skin craves.



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Black Soap With Aloe

Black soap with Aloe is a natural exfoliant, and when combined with aloe vera, it can gently remove dead skin and reveal smoother, brighter skin.

Great For Everyday Use

Removes dirt and oil: Throughout the day, dirt, oil, and dead skin can accumulate on your skin, clogging pores and causing breakouts. Washing your face daily helps remove these impurities, keeping your skin clean and healthy.

Natural ingredients

  • NO Parabens
  • NO Sulfates
  • NO Formaldehyde
  • NO Triclosan
  • NO Phthalates
  • NO Synthetic fragrances

Cleans Deep

Deep cleansing is important for removing impurities and dead skin that can clog pores and lead to breakouts.

See Sample Results From Other Users That Purchased Black Soap With Aloe!

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Results in 8 Weeks

Results in 5 Weeks

Results in 74 Days

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Where do all these benefits come from?

  • ALOE - Aloe can soothe and hydrate the skin, making it less susceptible to damage from external factors.
  • ACTIVATED CHARCOAL - Cleanse the skin by eliminating toxins and impurities, especially effective at unclogging pores and preventing breakouts.
  • PEPPERMINT OIL - It is effective at reducing bumps and discomfort, making it an excellent choice for individuals with problem-prone skin.
  • TEA TREE OIL - It can help to minimize redness and swelling caused by skin sensitivity, making it a popular choice for those with reactive skin.
  • SAGE - is a natural ingredient recognized for its ability to promote skin health.
  • ARROWROOT - is a natural ingredient that can minimize the appearance of scars, wrinkles, and fine lines.
  • GRAPE SEED OIL -It can help even out the skin tone, leading to a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Restore Your Skin Beautiful & Clear With Black Soap & Aloe

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Protect The Biggest Organ On Your Body. Your Skin. With Black Soap.

When you wash your face with Black Soap & Aloe it will feel like it's working wonders on Day One. This soap will penetrating deep into your skin removing dirt build-up inside your pores and minimizing large pores with every use.

People with oily or combination skin are also in the clear! This Black soap can help balance your skin’s natural oil production without stripping necessary oils or adding excess oils to your skin.


We included Aloe Vera in our black soap because it penetrates the outer skin layer 4X faster than water to deeply cleanse the skin of dirt and impurities while keeping skin calm leave you with clear, smooth skin.

Black soap, when combined with aloe, can be a potent combination for addressing various skin concerns. Aloe is known for its ability to soothe and help the skin, making it an ideal ingredient for those with sensitive or problematic skin. When Aloe is used in black soap, it can help to moisturize and protect the skin, reducing the appearance of blemishes, irritations, and other imperfections. This makes it a popular choice for individuals with skin issues such as dryness, redness, bumps and irritation. The blend of natural ingredients in black soap and aloe can help to promote healthy skin by improving its texture, reducing the signs of dull less vibrant skin, and protecting against environmental stressors.

The ingredients may help with.

  • Scars
  • Scratches
  • Dark Spots
  • Small bumps
  • Red bumps
  • Pus-filled bumps on the face and body
  • Scaly, Itchy, and Dry patches
  • Scalp

There are several reasons why it's important to use products that are PABA-free, phthalate-free, alcohol-free, gluten-free, not tested on animals, hypoallergenic, and made with natural ingredients and no detergents.

  • PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) is a common ingredient found in many sunscreens and can cause allergic reactions, especially for people with sensitive skin. PABA-free products are a better option for people with sensitive skin.
  • Phthalates are a group of chemicals used in various cosmetic and personal care products as a plasticizer. Some studies have linked phthalates to hormone disruption and other adverse health effects. Choosing phthalate-free products is a way to reduce exposure to potentially harmful chemicals.
  • Alcohol can be very drying to the skin and can cause irritation and redness, especially for people with sensitive skin. Alcohol-free products are gentler and less likely to cause skin irritation.
  • Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. For people with gluten intolerance, using gluten-free products is important to avoid triggering an allergic reaction or digestive issues.
  • Not tested on animals means that the product has not been tested on animals for safety or efficacy. It's a way to support ethical and cruelty-free products.
  • Hypoallergenic products are formulated to be less likely to cause an allergic reaction, making them a better choice for people with sensitive skin.
  • Products made with natural ingredients are generally considered safer and gentler for the skin compared to products made with synthetic ingredients.
  • Finally, products without detergents, such as black soap with aloe, are gentle and non-stripping to the skin's natural oils. Detergents can be harsh and drying, causing irritation and dryness.

Can African Black Soap Burn My Skin? Not Ours!

Some Black Soaps can irritate or even breakout your skin if you are not careful. Scaring and burning are also possible. You may be overusing and exfoliating your skin before using, or the pH of the soap is way too high may cause irritation, dry skin, scars, burning, or breakouts in sensitive skin.

  • Our Black Soap will never burn your skin. If overused, you may experience dry skin. Moisturizer will solve the problem. The experience is much different from other African Black Soaps. No stinging or burning sensation while washing your face. You will experience a thick foamy smooth, creamy, gentle feeling, the smell of peppermint, charcoal, and tea tree oil working your pores, and the best foam consistency for a natural facial or body wash you can gently rinse off and a squeaky clean feeling. You will never have to say, It feel like I still got soap on my face!

Recommended for daily use once a day and for severe skin problems twice a day. Some users may experience skin purging this is not a breakout this is a cleansing. It’s annoying — but also a good sign its working. To expose the fresh skin cells underneath and reveal clearer, younger-looking skin.

If you want to wash your body with it I recommend using a Loofahs Sponges Poufs for shower and bath.

If you have affected areas in your scalp or buildup in your locs you can use this product. Recommend purchasing more than one bottle.

  • This Soap Is Not A Drug, Cosmetic, Cure, or Medical Product and Not Everyone's results are the same.