5-6 Ft tall potted Thuja Green Giant Tree, Thuja plicata x standishii. The fastest-growing evergreen on the market, the Thuja Green Giant has become the go-to tree for landscapers, architects, and municipalities. Especially because it doesn't get the diseases that can affect other evergreens - you simply plant it and watch it grow quickly into a thick, full privacy screen.
Some of the other benefits of the Thuja Green Giant include its dense evergreen foliage that grows to ground level, meaning quick and effortless privacy, and its resistance to deer. Basically, nothing stands in the Thuja's way.
And the Thuja keeps its uniform, columnar shape without pruning. Though many evergreen trees vary widely, the Thuja Green Giant is an arborvitae that naturally grows in a consistent columnar shape, taking very little space but providing maximum privacy.
In other words, the Thuja Green Giant is the ideal privacy hedge. Not only does this tree have a phenomenal growth rate, but its foliage grows so thickly and thoroughly that it's nearly opaque. You'll enjoy your yard or garden in complete privacy, away from your neighbors or traffic from a busy street.
Plant a single row of trees or install a double-staggered row as an extra buffer. The possibilities are endless - either way, you get versatility, adaptability and beauty, all with ease. The Thuja Green Giant is one of our most popular plants for a reason. Order yours today!