Tight, flat, square with edges rubbed and corners bumped. Owner's marks and book store stamps. May be some underlining.

Engels' & Marx's writing are represented here in full variety, also including little-known letters & essays.
Manifesto of the Communist Party/Marx & Engels
Parts: A contribution to the critique of political economy/Marx
On historical materialism/Engels
Socialism: Utopian & scientific/Engels
Critique of the Gotha Program/Marx
Parts: Capital: A critique of political economy/Marx
On the history of early Christianity/Engels
L. Feuerbach & the end of classical German philosophy/Engels
Theses on Feuerbach/Marx
Parts: The German ideology/Marx & Engels
Parts: The Communism of the paper Rheinischer beobachter/Marx Parts: Toward the critique of Hegel's Philosophy of right/Marx
Parts: Herr Eugen Duhring's Revolution in science/Engels
Parts: The class struggles in France 1848-50/Marx
Parts: The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte/Marx
Parts: The Civil War in France/Marx
Part: Origin of the family, private property & the state/Engels
Letters on historical materialism/Engels
Parts: The peasant war in Germany/Engels
Letters & essays on political sociology/Marx & Engels
Letters: Russia's pattern of development. The Russian Marxists & Marxist texts. Anarchism & conspiratorial ethics. English Fabian socialism. Auguste Comte. Socialist imperialism in Java. Defence of progressive imperialism in Algeria. Socialist colonial policy. Sociology of the Bible. Oriental cities. Social classes in America. Why there is no large Socialist party in America
Essays: History of the Communist League. Excerpt from On social conditions in Russia. The British rule in India. On authority. Capital punishment. The labor movement in the US