1877 antique ROCK COUNTY wi HISTORY indians genealogy temperance railroad prison
This listing is for the original hardcover book shown. Replaced spine.
A history of rock county, its early settlement, growth, development, resources, etc., an extensive and" minute sketch op its cities, their improvements, industries, manufactories, churches, schools, societies, etc., etc., war record, biographical sketches, portraits of prominent men and early settlers, etc., etc., etc.; also history of Wisconsin, constitution of the united states and of Wisconsin, condensed abstract of laws of wisconsin, miscellaneous, etc., etc..
Antiquities 19
Indian Tribes 21
Pre-Territorial Annals 29
Wisconsin Territory 41
WisconPin aa a State 52
First Adniinifltration 52
Second Administration 57
Third Administration 59
Fourth Administration 62
Fifth Administration ; 64
Sixth Administration 66
Seventh Administration 67
War of Secession Commenced 69
Eighth Administration 76
Ninth Administration 85
Statistics of Volunteers 90
Tenth Administration 92
Eleventh Administration 93
Twelfth Administration 9t
Thirteenth Administration 97
Fourteenth Administration 99
Fifteenth Administration 104
Sixteenth Administration 109
Topography and Geology 110
The Archaean Age 112
Paleozoic Time — Silurian Age 115
Devonian Age 119
Glacial Period 120
Climatology 121
Trees, Shrubs and Vines 128
Fauna 134
Fish and Fish Culture 134
Large Animals — Time of their Disappearance 138
Peculiarities of the Bird Fauna 139
Educational 140
Original School Code 140
Ayitation for Frt^e Schools 141
School System under State Government 141
School Fund Income 142
State University 143
Agricultural College 144
Normal Schools 144
Teachers' Institutes 146
Graded Schools 140
Educational :
Township System 146
Free High Schools 147
School Offices 147
State Teachers' Certificates 147
Teachers' Associations 148
Libraries 148
State Superintendents 148
College Sketches 149
Female Colleges 150
Academies and Seminaries 151
Commercial Schools 151
Agriculture 151
Mineral Resonrces 162
Lead and Zinc 162
Iron 106
Copper 168
Gold and Silver 168
Brick Clays 168
Cement Rock 170
Limestone— Glass Sand 171
Peat— Building Stones 172
Railroads 173
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul 17^
Chicago & Northwestern 176
Wisconsin Central 178
Westrn Union 179
West Wisconsin 180
Milwaukee, Lake Shore & Western 180
Green Bay & Minnesota 181
Wisconsin Valley 181
Sheboygan & Fonddu Lac 181
Mineral Point 182
Madison & Portage 182
North Wisconsin 183
Prairie du Chien & McGregor 183
Chippewa Falls & Westt-rn 183
Narrow Gauge 183
Conclusion 184
Lumber 186
Banking 191
Commerce and Maaufactures 198
Furs 199
Lead and Zinc — Iron 200
Lumber 201
Grain 202
Commerce and Manufactures :
I Dairy Products 203
Pork and Beef. 203
Hops 204
Tobacco — Cranberries 205
Liquors 205
Miscellaneous 206
Water Powers 206
Manufactures 208
Conclusion .' 208
The PuWicDomain 210
Health .230
Geographical Position 230
Physical Features 230
Geology 231
Drainage 232
Climatology 232
Rain Character 233
Isotherms 234
Barometrical 234
Winds 236
Climatological Changes from Settling in the State 235
Influence of Nationalities 237
Occupations— Food — Education, etc 238
History of Disease 238
Ratio of Sickness, Ft. Howard and Winnebago 239
Educatiun of the Bliud ft. ..241
Institute of Deaf and Dumb ....241
Industrial School for Boys 242
State Prison , 242
State Hospital for the Insane 342
Northern Hospital for the Insane 243
City of Milwaukee 243
Health Resorts 244
Change of Diseases 246
Pulmonary Diseases 248
Statistics 249
Population, 1875, of Townships, Alphabetically Arranged by Counties 219
Population by Counties 258
Nativity by Counties 259
Valuation of Property 260
Acreage of Principal Crops 261, 262
Actions , 283
Arrest 283
Attachment 284
Adoption of Children 276
Assignment of Mortgage 274
Assessment and Collection of Taxes 267
Assesprpentof Taxes 268
Bills of Exchange or Promissory Nctes 272
Borrowed Money 267
Capital Punishment 278
Collection of Taxes 270
Commercial Terms 28t
Common Schools 266
Damages for Trespass 279
Elections and General Elections 263
Estrays 279
Exemptions 284
Fences 280
Forms ot Conveyances 273
Forms of Mortgages 274
Garnishment 284
Highways and Bridges 270
Hours of Labor 273
Interest 277
Intoxicating Liquors 271
Judgments 284
Juribdiction of Courts 277
Jurors 278 I
Landlord and Tenant 281
Limitation of Actions 285
Marks and Brands , 281
Married Women 283
Stay Law 284
Surveyors and Surveys 282
Support of Poor .'. 282
Suggestions to Persons Purchasing Books
by Subscription 285
Title of Real Property by Descent 275
Weights and Measures 278
Wilts 276
Wolf Scalps 278
Wisconsin State Constitution 287 ,
U. S. Constitution 297 I
Vote of Wisconsin for Governor and President 30&-307
Population of the State
CHAPTER I.— Topography, Elevations, Water Power of Rock River, Springs, Artesian WeLLs, Geological Formations, St. Peters Sandstone, Trenton Limestone, Galena Limestone, The GlAcial Formations 309 to 319
CHAPTER II.— Physical Geography, The Mound Buildei's, Indian Occupancy, The Black Hawk War, United States Surveys and Land Sales, First Settlement in Rock County 320 to 335
CHAPTER III.— Political Geography, The Early Settlements. Pioneer Reminiscences, Pioneer Life, " Squattera " and their "Claims," Rock County Organized 336 to 359
CHAPTER IV.— Rock County as Represented on Early Maps, Rock River Navigation and Rock County Steamboats, Territorial District Court and State Circuit Court, Rock County Board of Supervisors, County Court of Rock County, Court House and Jail, Count.v Officers, 1839 tn 1879, Territorial, State and National Representation, Railroads
CHAPTER V— Rock County Press, Rock County Bible Society, Wisconsin Institution for the Education of the Blind, Agriculture of Rock County, Horticulture and the Horticultural Society, Rock County Poor Farm, A Memorable Tragedy, Rock County Statistics, Some of Rock County's Illustrious Dead 389 to 442
CHAPTER VI.— Political History, Rock County Agricultural Society and Mechanics' Institute, State Fairs in Rock County, War Record, Educational Interests, Rock County Pharmaceutical Association, Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois Industrial Association, Mack Murder 443 to 501
CHAPTER VII.— Towns of Rook County — Avon, Deloit, Bradford, Center, Clinton, Fulton, Harmony, Janesville, Johnstown, La Prairie, Lima, Magnolia, Milton, Newark, Plymouth, Porter, Bock, Spring Valley, Turtle, Union, 502 to 528
CHAPTER VIII.— City of Janesville.— First Settlement, Early Growth, Janesville as a City, the Janes Correspondence, Henry F. Janes, Public Schools, Commcmial College and School of Telegraphy, Religious Institutions, Manufactories. Theaters and Halls, Chinese Settlement, Young Men's Association, Fire Department, Military, Police Matters, Janesville Societies, Lady Lawyers, The Post Office, Corn Exchange, Janesville Hotels, Banks, Amusing Erors, U. S. Grant and Team, Insurance Companies, The Water Supply, Pioneer Society, The Legal Profession, Ford, Ferries and Bridges, Telegraphic, Burr Bobbins' Menagerie, The Cemeteries, The Thousand and One, Janesville a Quarter of a Century Ago, Inventions 529 to 605
CHAPTER IX.— City op Be lo it. —Introduction, An Early Adventurer, Thiebault, Blodgett, New England Emigrating Company, Land Title Litigation, Origin of the Name Beloit, First Events, A Pioneer's Recollections, Beloit Village in 1845, Beloit a Quarter of a Century Ago, City Government, City Seal, Police Court, The Arch Society, Manufacturing Enterprises, Schools, Post Office, Hotels, Public Halls, The Military, The Old Veterans' Club. Musical Societies, Bands, Beloit Reading Club, Beloit Bible Society, Gas Works, The Bridges, The Cemetery, The Banking Business, The Women's Christian Temperance Union, Secret Societies, Society for Protection Against Horse-Thieves, Beloit Public Libraries, Beloit Water-power, Principal Conflagration, The Beloit Churches, Banks, Fire Department 606 to 647
CHAPTER X.— Rock County Villages.— Clinton Junction, Evanaville, Shopiere, Orfordville, Lima Centpr, Footville, Hanover, Afton, Magnolia, Magnolia Station (Cainville), Emerald Grove, Avon, Bdgerton, Old Milton, Milton Junction, Etc., Etc 648 to 694
AlleN 523
Baker; Jos 343
Bennett J. R 559
Brenton, J. L 747
Chittenden, George W 397
carpenter, A. B , 631
Cheever, D. G 783
covert, George 801
Doty, Ellis 309
Dickson, J. P 577
Evans, John M 818
Greenman, H. G 451
Goodwin, S. J 613
Goodell, J. E 649
Goodrich, Joseph 667
Goodrich, Ezra 685
Johnson, Daniel 469
Lord, S. L 837
McCausey, George 11 361
McEwan, Peter 433
Martin, C. Loftus 595
Palmer, Henry 711
Smith, A. Hyatt 379
Williams. C. G 325
Winans, John 415
Whitford. W. C 487
Warren, J. H 541
Avon /882
Beloit 732
Bradford S84
Clinton : 775
Fulton 840
Harmony 890
Janesville 695
Johnstown 809
La Prairie 833
Lima 789
Magnolia. 877
Milton 813
Newark ; 770
Porter , S69
Plymouth , S72
Bock 795
Spring Valley 858
Turtle 799
Union 861
Excellent original early family and/or town genealogy, history, antique, collectible heirloom and/or ephemera.