1892 antique GLOUCESTER CAPE ANN ma HISTORY indians negroes fisheries w ADS
This listing is for History of the Town and City of Gloucester, Cape Ann, Massachusetts. By James R. Pringle. Gloucester, MA: Published by the Author, 1892. Hardcover, 340 pages plus ads.
Norsemen and Other Early Voyagers .
Was Thorwold Buried on Cape Ann, "The Cape of the Cross!" Gosnold, Pring, Champlain, Smith and Other Intrepid Navigators Cruise in New England Waters.
Cape Ann Visited by the Chevalier Champlain in 1606 .... 14
Comes to Anchor in the Harbor Which He Names Le Beauport. Kinds a Thrifty Tribe of Indians Tilling the Soil. Frustrates a Warlike Attack. History of the Red Men of the Cape.
Foundation of the Massachusetts Colony .18
Town Settled in 1623 by the Dorchester Company. Pilgrims Secure Rights on the Cape. Miles Standish, Capt. Hewes and Roger Conant. Home Company Recalls Colonists and Abandons the Settlement in 1625. Conant and the Greater Part of Those Remaining Remove to Salem. Robinson's Annisquam Colony in 1630. Reinforcements from Plymouth. Town Incorporated in 1642 and Named Gloucester.
Town Begins Corporate Career 24
First Selectmen. Saw-Mills, Ship-Building and Timber Laws. First Meeting House and Pastors. King Philip's War. First Land Grants. Resists Gov. Andros. Witchcraft Delusion. Other Happenings.
The Early Settlers 36
List of Those Who Became Inhabitants of Cape Ann before 1700. Hardy Pioneers Who Left Pleasant Homes in Old England to Hazard New Fortunes in the Western World.
From 1700 to 1750 54
Exodus from the Old Village. Second Parish. Phillip's Piratical Gang Captured. Division of Woodland in 1723. Third Parish. Emigration to Falmouth and New Gloucester. King George's War and Gloucester Company at I.ouisburg. Peg Wesson. Old Defences at Fort Square. List of Settlers Who Came Here Between 1700 and 1750. Fifty Years of Progress. Foreign and Domestic Commerce.
From 1750 to 1800 67
Active Participation in French Wars. At Crown Point. Unfortunate Acadians. At Ticonderoga. Town Prosperous. Small Pox Prevails. Denounces Stamp Act and Tea Tax. Overt Acts of Disloyalty. Town Prepares for Impending Conflict. Boycotts Tories. Gloucester Troops at Bunker Hill. Young Webber Kills Major Pitcairn. Linzee's Attack. Privateering Operations. Impoverished Condition of the People. Return of Peace. Revival of Commerce. Difficulties with the French. John Murray's Preaching. Shay's Rebellion. Constitution Ratified. Negroes. Selectmen. Poor House. Evening of the Century.
From 1800 to 1860 90
Sketch of Front, now Main Street. Opposition to the Embargo Act. Unwelcome War of 1812 Attack on Sandy Bay. Privateering. Sandy Bay Universalists. Split in the First Parish. Formation of the Evangelical Congregational Society. The Unitarian Church. Slow Growth in Population. View in 1817. In 1830. Fishing and Commerce. The Dr. Moriarty Episode. History of the Fishing Bounties. Forty-niners. Accession to Population. Old Training Days.
From 1861 to 1866 114
Minutemen of '61. Patriotic Women. Co. G Helps Save Old Ironsides. First Three Years' Men. Patriotic Resolutions Adopted. Co. G Given a Grand Reception on Its Return. Rockport's "Kimball Guards." Fish Business Increased. Disastrous Gale. State Aid and Bounties. Pirate "Tacony" Destroys Fishing Vessels. Government Erects Forts. Recruiting for the Navy. Great Fire of 1864. Demonstration Against Disloyalists. Records of Soldiers and Sailors.
From 1866 to 1874
Marked Increase of Population. Era of Prosperity in the Fisheries. New Town House Erected. Destroyed by Fire. Rebuilt. Severe Gale. International Courtesies. Election Tide Turns. Canadian Cruisers Sei/.e Fishing Vessels. Political. Visit of Henry Samuelson. M. P. Presentation. Canadians Renew Hostilities. Recapture of the "Horton.'' More Seizures. The Fishery Question Reviewed
Incorporation as a City 237
First Efforts For the Adoption of a City Charter Fails. Second Successful. Divided Into Wards. First City Election. Robert R. Fears Elected Mayor. Allan Rogers Chosen as Chief Executive. Centennial Exhibit. The Halifax Commission and Its Award of $5,500,000. Mayor J. Franklin Dyer. The Fortune Bay Riot. William Williams Elected Mayor. Protest Against the Treaty of Washington. Joseph Garland Elected Mayor. Mr. Williams Re-elected. Succeeded by William H. Wonson, jd. John S. Parsons the Next Chief Executive. Successful Crusade Against Lawbreakers Trouble With City Marshals. Fishery Troubles Renewed. David I. Robinson Chosen Mayor. Retaliatory Bill. Seizures of Fishing Vessels. Bayard-Chamberlain Treaty. Modus Vivendi. Mayor Robinson Refuses to Sign Liquor Licenses and Resigns. W. W. French Elected. More Seizures of Vessels. ,Asa G. Andrews, Mayor. 1892. The 250th Anniversary of Incorporation.
The Fisheries 281
Early Pursued in American Waters. Rise and Growth of the Industry in Gloucester. Fishing Grounds. Methods of Catching Cod arid Mackerel. Statistics. Co-operative Feature. Evolution of the Schooner.
Places of Interest 288
General Description. Rafe's Chasm. "Old Mother Ann." "Whale's Jaw." Rocking Stone. The Magnolia. The Willows. Drives by Sea and Shore.
Churches and Schools 291
Congregationalists. Unitarians. First Lniversalist Church in America Established by Rev. John Murray. Capt. Benjamin Hale, Jr., First Preaches the Baptist Doctrine at Sandy Bay. Methodists of the Cape. Roman Catholic Church. Episcopalianism. Schools.
Fires and Murders 309
Early Conflagrations. Fires of 1X30 and 1*64. Other Events of this Character. Serious Casualty at the Dale Residence. Pluinmer, Parsons, and Other Murders.
Miscellaneous . . . . 319
Old Houses. Custom House and Post Office. Water Works. Newspapers. Banks. Gloucester LyccMim anrl Sawyer Free Library. Huntress and Gilbert Homes. Secret Societies. Business Men of Today 331 Comprehensive Review of Leading Industries and Firms Engaged in Commercial Enterprises.
THE approach of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the incorporation of the town of Gloucester, and the demand for a history which shall present the principal events that have occurred from its discovery and settlement has led to the writing of this work. The record of the town in the civil war, in many respects one of the most important in its annals, is here given for the first time. Coming when the ranks of the veterans are fast being depleted, this portion of the work cannot but prove of value. The complications arising from disputes between the Canadian Government and American fishermen, with the record of seizures of fishing vessels, also receive their initial presentation.
This work, prepared at intervals during an active service in the journalistic profession, is submitted to the public as the effort of one desirous of advancing in every way the interests of his native town.
AUGUST, 1892.
Excellent original early family and/or town genealogy, history, antique, collectible heirloom and/or ephemera.
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