"The Magazine for Men" -- Including all the great writers, illustrators, pictorials, vintage advertisements, fashion and more -- Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below!

Issue Date: August 1980; Volume 94 No. 2
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COVER: RONALD REAGAN. Photo Trends, Color Realization By Sally Slight.

Scene 1: DUTCH REAGAN, ALL-AMERICAN by Joel Kotkin and Paul Grabowicz -- Wherein a wholesome boy from Illinois hits it big in Hollywood and politics by playing a wholesome hometown boy.

Scene 2: LIFE BEGINS AT SEVENTY by Joel Kotkin, Paul Grabowicz, and Jeff Stern -- Wherein we add a new twist to an old question: In Ronnie's administration, would the Cabinet be half empty or half full.

Scene 3: RON AND DESTINY by Garry Wills -- Wherein the old conservative war-horse, upon scrutiny, turns out to be a charismatic leader who ought to frighten us -- but doesn't.

BLUE-CHIP BLADES by Geoffrey Norman -- These custom-made knives are works of art, they are solid investments, they are genuine blades of class.

LOVE LETTERS FROM OLYMPUS by Ronald Steel -- How a cataclysmic love affair with his best friend's wife changed the public and private life of America's most revered journalist -- Walter Lippmann.

THE STATE OF THE UNION, 1980 by Gore Vidal -- The good news is, an astute observer here surveys the status of the republic. The bad news is the status of the republic.

HABERSPLASHERY Fashion by David Epstein -- A guide to the full range of rainwear, from the classic trenchcoat to the latest designs, colors, and featherweight fabrics.

MORE NOTES ON CAMP by Betsy Carter -- Summer camp, that is, where a child personality can be shaped -- or bent -- as some familiar personalities attest.

CIVIL DEFENSE Fiction by Tim O'Brien -- There is nothing make-believe about missiles, bombs, nuclear peril. Just ask the kid under the Ping-Pong table.

BACKSTAGE WITH ESQUIRE -- The American Experience.
THE SOUND AND THE FURY -- Letters from Readers.
AMERICAN BEAT -- That's Entertainment by Bob Greene.
VITAL SIGNS -- Thrills and Chills by John Jerome.
UNCONVENTIONAL WISDOM -- Does the Establishment Live? by Adam Smith.
ETHICS -- Just Good Friends by Harry Stein.
HIGH LIFE -- The Arty American by Taki.
THE ESQUIRER -- Early Warnings, Offfiand Comments, Gratuitous Advice.
MOVIE CLASSICS -- M by Edward Sorel.

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Magazine is COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD + condition (see photo), Approx 8 1/2" X 11" Standard magazine Format. Vintage Esquire magazines are more and more sought after as time goes by, and they are getting more scarce on the market!