You love your dog, right? So why not give him a toy that he can cherish for long. A toy that he can play with when you aren’t around. A toy that helps you interact with him in a fun way. A toy that enhances his oral and body health.

Lay your eyes on this bouncing Frisbee ball interactive dog toy and give your pet the pleasure he so deserves. The Frisbee transforms into a ball in 3-4 seconds while the cotton ropes will help in chewing and cleaning their teeth.

Moreover, it’s waterproof , pet-safe, lightweight and vividly colorful – everything a dog toy should have to get the pet's attention.

What you’ll get:

  • Playful dog toy that improves their health: This bouncing Frisbee ball can be pressed to become a Frisbee. After 3-4 seconds, it bounces back to become a ball. Use this as a chasing toy for your doggos and improve their mobility, reduce their anxiety and improve the interaction.
  • Betters your dog’s oral health: The cotton dog chew ropes will improve the oral health of your dog while the nylon braided rope on both sides will help in picking and catching the ball. It can also be used as a tug of war toy where you hold the Frisbee ball from one side and your pet from the other side.