Aitmatov Ch. Complete collection of essays in eight volumes (8 vol.) In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Aytmatov Ch. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy v vosmi tomakh (8 t. ). Komplekt Dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Chingiz Aitmatov. Almaty, BTA Bank Publishing House 2008. Chingiz Aitmatov is a classic of world literature. The eight-volume book includes all the authors works, as well as the publicists of the 1950-60 s (including the first articles from the newspaper Pravda), dialogues with famous writers of our time (K. Vonnegut, D. Ikeda and others), speeches by Ch. Aitmatov, the latest novel When Mountains Fall (The Eternal Bride) and a novel-letter to God. In addition, the complete collection includes a foreword from the leading literary scholars of the CIS and illustrations to each work of the publication. SKUalb6780eae33a2b5c09.