Ostrovsky A. N. Ostrovsky A. The Last Victim. / / Patriotic Notes. 1878. January. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Ostrovskiy A. N. Ostrovskiy A. Poslednyaya zhertva. //Otechestvennye zapiski. 1878 g. Yanvar. S-Pb Typography of A.A. Kraevsky. 1878 format. An obituary to Nekrasovs death. Ostrovsky: The Last Victim. First Life Publication. Karnovich: On Russias Participation in the Emancipation of Christians from the Turkish Yoke. An Autobiography of the Old Chartist. Ivanov: People and Morals. Borovikovsky: On the Death of Nekrasov. Spencer: The Rite Government. Hugo: The Story of One Crime. Shchedrine: The Noboryanskaya Handra. N.M.: The New Historian of the Jewish People. The Chronicle of Paris Life. New Books. An Internal Review. Mikhailovsky: Letters on Truth and Truth. SKUalbbfc22bfae134dd26.