Get ready for a sweet challenge with this puzzle by Springbok titled "Toss me a Life Saver!" Featuring over 500 pieces, this contemporary jigsaw puzzle is perfect for puzzle enthusiasts of all skill levels. The candy-themed puzzle is made of high-quality cardboard material and is sure to provide hours of entertainment.
Whether you're an experienced puzzler or just starting out, this Springbok puzzle is a must-have for your collection. With its vibrant colors and intricate details, it's sure to be a crowd-pleaser. So why wait? Add this puzzle to your cart and start puzzling today!
“There's a special kind of candy
That's revered throughout the nation
For the flavors you can savor
In most any situation.
You can chew them in a movie, And in church when kids are squirmin' You can pop some in their mouths
And keep the peace throughout the sermon.
The majority of grownups
And any little kid'll
Think it's neat to eat the treat
That you can see through in the middle.
It's Life Savers! In all flavors From rum to mint to berry.
The butterscotch is yummy.
You'll go wild for the wild cherry.
The tangerine is tangy
And the cinnamon is spicy.
Crystal mints have flavor hints
Red hot as well as icy.
Oh, those wonderful Life Savers!
There are fruits to suit each fancy.
Wintergreens can perk you up Or calm you when you're antsy.
But words cannot do justice -
Why not do yourself a favor,
Just rip into a roll right now
And taste your favorite flavor”
Dean Walley