Semyonov-Tianshan. Russia. A complete geographical description of our Fatherland. A desktop and road book for Russian people. Volume 3. Lake region. With 119 political pages, 37 diagrams, cartographs, schematic profiles, 1 large and reference and 8 small maps. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Semenov-Tyanshanskiy. Rossiya. Polnoe geograficheskoe opisanie nashego Otechestva. Nastolnaya i dorozhnaya kniga dlya russkikh lyudey.Tom 3. Ozernaya oblast. S 119 politipazhami, 37 diagrammami, kartogrammami, skhematicheskimi profilyami, 1 bolshoy i spravochnoy i 8 malymi kartami.St. Petersburg Edition of A.F. Devrien, 1900, 454 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb1b72e21678e5eb15