SBL Anacardium Orientale
Common Name: Semecarpus Anacardium. Marking Nut. N. O. Anacardiacae. (East Indies)
Preparation: layer of nut between shell and kernel are triturated to make it.
Tincture of black juice between outer and inner shell.
The nut of the Anacardium Orientale is heart shaped and the kernel, which is sweet, is covered with a thin, reddish brown skin.
Causes & Symptoms for SBL Anacardium Orientale
- Anacardium has many features in common with its botanical relatives, the different species of Rhus, especially in its action on the skin, muscles, and joints, but it has also very distinct features of its own.
- A very characteristic sensation is a pressing or penetrating pain as from a plug, which may occur in any locality in connection with neuralgias and ear affection, piles etc., and whenever present Anacardium will probably be the remedy.
- Sensation of a hoop or band around the body or about any part is a leading symptom.
- Anacardium Orientale has been used with success in diseases of the spinal cord with this sensation and the feeling of a plug in the spine, worse by any motion which causes a pain as if the plug were sticking still further in.
- Paralysed feeling in knees. Sensation as if knees were bandaged.
- It has at any rate won for itself a reputation in "examination funk" and allied conditions.
- Loss of memory is very marked. Deafness with loss of memory.
- Headache worse by mental exertion, better by eating. Stiffness in nape of neck.
- The cough of Anacardium Orientale is better by eating.
- Symptoms generally better by eating, recur two hours after.
- Checked eruptions.
- Examinations.
- Hypochondriacal sadness, and melancholy ideas.
- Anxiety, apprehension, and fear of approaching death.
- Fear and mistrust of the future, with discouragement and despair.
- Disposition to laugh at serious things, and to maintain a serious demeanor when anything laughable occurs.
- State as if there were two wills, one of which rejects what the other requires.
- Fixed ideas: that he is double, that there is no reality in anything, all appears like a dream, that a stranger is constantly by his side, one to other., the other to the left, her husband is not her husband, her child is not hers, fondles, then pushes them away.
- Sensation as if the mind were separated from the body.
- Weakness of mind and of memory, Loss of memory. Weakness of all the senses, Absence of ideas.
- Head confused, Fits of giddiness, Vertigo on walking, as if all objects were too distant.
- Whirling dizziness, with obscuration of the eyes on stooping.
- Headache with giddiness and vertigo, aggravated by movement.
- Sensation of tearing in the head, chiefly on the right side, and often as far as the face and neck, followed by buzzing in the ears, Itching in the scalp.
- Painful pressure in the ears.
- Pain, as of ulceration, in the ears, principally on pressing the teeth close, and on swallowing.
- Hardness of hearing.
- Buzzing and roaring in the ears.
(description exceeds maximum possible length)