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[Use 'Control F' to search this page. MORE MAGAZINES' exclusive detailed content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date. ] This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

YEARBOOK extra Inside Publishing If you could be a fly on the wall in an editor's office, imagine what you could learn about your submissions' journeys beyond your mailbox. We've done the eavesdropping for you! We'll let you in on the specifics of the publishing path, answer your most pressing questions and even translate contract language. You'll be submitting with knowledge on your side in no time!.

The ABCs of Publishing By Don Prues Follow this outline step by step through the book publishing process, from submitting a query to marketing the finished product.

The 2001 Best-Seller Roundup By Daisy Maryles Publisher's Weekly looks back at the ups and downs of book publishing in 2001's unstable economy, complete with charts ranking the year's longest-running best-selling books and strongest publishing imprints.

The Big Houses By the staff of Writer's Market The publishing world is constantly changing. This breakdown of major publishers and their imprints will help you keep them straight.

Your Top 10 Writing Questions Answered By the staff of Writer's Digest Your frequently asked questions on book publishing are exclusively answered by the insiders at Writer's Digest.

7 Keys to Understanding Todays Contracts By A.C. Crispin and Victoria Strauss Investigate the ins and outs of print on demand with an examination of contract clauses that raise red flags.

9 Ways to Boost Your Marketing Savvy By Marcia Yudkin Do your ideas about book marketing match today's realities? Take this quiz by a veteran author and marketing consultant.

Submission Secrets Being a writer means more than just writing. You need to present your work in the right form and get it into the right hands for your writing to pay off We've covered the basics, from spotlighting the most promising markets to walking you through your pitch sheet, query letter and synopsis.

100 Best Book Markets for New Writers By Jessica Yerega and Erin Nevius Don't be intimidated by the task of choosing a publisher. We've targeted the best opportunities for new writers, so you can narrow your search and get those pro- posals in the mail.

10 Steps to an Outline That Sizzles By William Hutchinson Your first draft is finished, but your work has just begun. Use these easy steps to refine your initial writing into a more polished second draft.

How to Sell Your Book in 10 Minutes By Jillian Manus A consultation with an agent or editor at a writers conference can be a crucial step for you and your book. A top literary agent offers tips on how to make the most of that precious 10 minutes.

The Power of the Pitch Sheet By Bonnie Hearn Hill Introducing the one-page secret weapon that could sell your book.

23 Keys to a Power Proposal By Barb Kuroff The submission process is a common place to get stuck. But with these five worksheets as your guide, creating your proposal package won't seem so daunting.

Inspiration Even the best information is useless if you're not inspired to push through the publishing process with your creativity full speed ahead. You'll find the motivation you need in the success stories of other first-time writers.

Great Inside Advice From 6 New Authors By Kelly Nickell Six first-time authors share the experiences of writing, submitting and publishing their first books. Learn firsthand what you can expect along the way--along with the do's and don'ts of the publishing world.

Big Bucks for Books By Lindsay Pollock The literary auction scene rakes in unimaginable profits from famous writing artifacts. Transport yourself behind the closed doors of the major auction houses.

Brag Board By Jessica Yerega Each month in Writer's Digest, our readers sound off about their writing triumphs. This special edition of Brag Board boasts of book publishing victories!

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