WORDsearch Rose Publishing, (2nd UPDATED VERSION—Features 32 More Titles!)
you can access and store a wide variety of Rose's most popular Bible
timelines, maps, and incredible commentary on your computer, making it
easier and faster than ever to quickly find the information you need! This incredible all-inclusive disc contains 55 graphic resources (and it features 32 titles not included in the 1st Edition)!
Full-Color Visuals and Expert Artwork That Help You Teach
The WORDsearch
Rose Publishing Library, 2nd Ed. features diagrams, illustrations,
maps, photos, charts, facts, and time lines that bring Christian
teachings to life. The best part about these visual tools is that they
present Bible information in a way that is easy to understand and easy
to share with others. Each work of art is well-researched and perfect
for educational purposes. Intended to help readers visualize the
architecture, landscape, and important biblical background that glorify
the Lord's good work in history and today.
4 Key Features of WORDsearch Rose Library, 2nd Edition
- Enjoy the convenience of having 55 Rose bestsellers on one disc (2nd Edition has everything featured on Volume 1 PLUS 32 extra titles!). It's your short cut to a full-stocked resource library!
- Quickly find the information you need!
You're going to be amazed at the powerful searching functions built
into this DISC. Finding any Bible text or information on any biblical
topic is fast and easy. Search by topic, category, cross-reference, or
scripture references—relevant results will pop up in seconds!
- See key information at glance! It's packed with easy-to-understand diagrams, illustrations, maps, photos, charts, and time lines. (You can even zoom into maps/pictures to get a closer look!)
Features additional resources for your convenience: Full Holloman and
King James Bible, Commentaries (Matthew Henry), Illustrated Dictionary,
Bible Reading Plans, and more!
Perfect for:
- Pastors
- Church leaders and lay leaders
- Sunday School Teachers
- Small Group Bible studies
- Homeschool Curriculum
- Anyone who wants to learn more about the Bible