Title: Sport in Contemporary Society: An Anthology Author: D. Stanley Eitzen Edition: 10th Edition Publisher: Oxford University Press Publication Year: 2014 Condition: Paperback, Good

Description: Explore the multifaceted role of sport in today's society with "Sport in Contemporary Society: An Anthology" by D. Stanley Eitzen. In this comprehensive anthology, Eitzen delves into the complex intersections of sports, culture, politics, and economics, providing readers with a nuanced understanding of the significance of sports in modern life.

Published by Oxford University Press in 2014, this 10th edition of "Sport in Contemporary Society" offers a diverse selection of essays, articles, and research studies that cover a wide range of topics, from the impact of sports on health and well-being to the role of sports in shaping identity and social dynamics.

The paperback edition is presented in good condition, showcasing minimal signs of wear and tear, as evidenced by the accompanying photographs. Despite its use, the book remains intact and suitable for reading and study.

Whether you're a student of sports sociology, a sports enthusiast, or simply interested in the cultural significance of sports, "Sport in Contemporary Society" provides valuable insights and perspectives that encourage critical thinking and analysis.

Don't miss the opportunity to add this essential anthology to your library. Deepen your understanding of the complex and dynamic relationship between sports and society with "Sport in Contemporary Society: An Anthology" by D. Stanley Eitzen.