Bonding Time

Capture baby's precious tiny prints to last a lifetime

There is nothing quite as sweet as baby's little hands and feet! Use our unique inkless and mess-free baby handprint & footprint photo frame kit to take baby's adorable imprints and create a personalized baby keepsake to be cherished forever...


Why should you choose "MY TINY PRINTS KIT WITH PHOTO FRAME"?

Safety First

Easy to Use

Mess Free


Safety was a major criteria for us when we developed the product. Our handprint & footprint wipe is entirely safe to use on babies' delicate skin.

Our Prints Identifier wipe is US made, trade marked and used in Maternity Wards across America to identify babies moments after they are born. So rest assured, you are purchasing a safe, premium product.


Our imprint kit is quite easy to use. Just stick to the included step-by-step instructions and you will be able to create gorgeous prints.

Your My tiny Prints kit comes with 2 specially coated sheets and 1 wipe.

It is DOUBLE the amount needed to create prints. On each paper a Testing Area is included. No need to worry about not getting it right the first time.


The ingenious ink on the wipe is totally invisible and therefore mess-free.

It only prints on the special coated paper provided and leaves no marks on baby's skin or other surfaces.

However, to play it safe, please wash baby's hands & feet after use and for possible staining on certain surfaces and fabrics, avoid unnecessary contact.

Premium Frame

About your Photo Frame

  • The My Tiny Prints kit includes a premium hand-finished, wooden photo frame with glass instead of acrylic that can look faded after a couple of years.
  • Both the durable frame and glass will give your precious keepsake a polished and quality look and feel, complimenting your home or baby nursery decor perfectly.
  • The frame comes in 3 sensible colours, making it suitable for many decorative styles and rooms.
  • My Tiny Prints' photo frame includes sawtooth hangers to easily hang on any wall. It can be hung Vertically or Horizontally, depending on your preference.
  • The frame includes a photo insert to display your favorite as well as a generous opening to display your little one's hand and/or footprints.

Frame Dimensions: (h x w x d) 17.7 x 11 x 1 inches or 45 x 28 x 3 cm

Photo Area: 5 x 6 inches

Print Area: 6 x 6 inches

Frequently Asked Questions

What color will the prints be?

The inkless wipe will produce gray prints.

The shade of gray will largely depend on:

* the amount of wiping over the area being printed and

* the amount of pressure used holding down baby's hand or foot onto the special coated paper.