2004 Topps Chrome The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Trading Card Complete Your Set You U Pick 1-100

  *****The cards that don't show the front of the card have defects as shown in the pictures*****

 1 The Rings Bestowed
 2 Sauron's Key to Power
 3 The Fall of Issildur
 4 Into a Hobbit's Hands
 5 Magic in the Shire
 6 The Epic Journey Begins
 7 Passing of the Elves
 8 Practitioners of Power
 9 A New Ally
 10 The Dark Riders
 11 Mountaintop Terror
 12 Stabbed by a Spectre
 13 Uruk-Hai Master
 14 Arwen's Escape
 15 Awakening in Rivendell
 16 Wizards in Conflict
 17 Once and Future Kings
 18 Challenge for Frodo
 19 The Fellowship is Formed
 20 Avalanche
 21 The Watcher
 22 "They Call it a Mine!"
 23 Terror of the Cave Troll
 24 Vanquished!
 25 Shadow and Flame
 26 Friends, Foes and Fiends
 27 Dark Vision
 28 Evil Queen
 29 Gifts from the Elves
 30 Troubled Companions
 31 Attacked by Uruk-Hai
 32 The Fate of Boromir
 33 Friends to the End
 34 Plunge Into an Abbys
 35 Elven Rope
 36 The Taming of Gollum
 37 March to Isengard
 38 Poisoning Rohan
 39 The Three Hunters
 40 Way Through the Marshes
 41 Spectral Terrors
 42 Treeherder
 43 The White Wizard
 44 The Black Gate
 45 Dark Times in Rohan
 46 The King's Release
 47 Make for Helm's Deep
 48 Culinary Delights
 49 Torn from Within
 50 Warg Ambush
 51 Clash on the Planes
 52 Isengard Unleashed
 53 Brothers of Gondor
 54 "Master Betrayed Us!"
 55 The Eve of Battle
 56 Elves Join the Fight
 57 Helm's Deep Under Siege
 58 "War Affects Us All"
 59 Breaching the Deeping Wall
 60 Furious Fight to Survive
 61 Gandalf Turns the Tide
 62 Isengard Flooded
 63 Saved from the Nazgul
 64 The Final Tally
 65 The Spoils of War
 66 Choosing the Dark Path
 67 Smeagol and Deagol
 68 Seeing Stone of Power
 69 Saruman's Wrath
 70 Gollum's Deception
 71 Journey to the Grey Havens
 72 "Deep Breath"
 73 Minas Morgul
 74 A Beacon of Hope
 75 Pledge to Theoden
 76 Flight of the Fellbeasts
 77 Saved by the White Wizard
 78 "Go Home Sam"
 79 "Retake Osgiliath"
 80 "Join US!"
 81 Isildur's Heir
 82 Corsair Boson
 83 Orc Hordes
 84 Nazgul Terror
 85 Morgul Lord
 86 Caught in a Web
 87 "Let Him Go!"
 88 Funeral Pyre
 89 Legion of Mumakil
 90 "I Am No Man!"
 91 Oath Fulfilled
 92 The Mouth of Sauron
 93 "Destroy It!"
 94 Precious!
 95 Quest Fulfilled
 96 Coronation of the King
 97 Heroes of the Shire
 98 End of the Journey
 99 Into the West
 100 Checklist


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