Ganesha is well known as the remover of obstacles supporting grounding, centering and supporting the root chakra.

Ganesha brings wisdom and intelligence to the one who evokes his energy foreseeing problems before they manifest. He offers protection and guidance.

The Sacred Rudraksha Seed from the blue fruit of the evergreen "Elaeocarpus ganitrus" of the great Himalayas. The Rudraksha plant is believed to contains the secrets of the entire evolution of Cosmos within. It leads the wearer a peaceful life and supports higher states of meditation.

- to support changing the karma of the wearer to a path of truth and purpose.
- to support wearer with stress management by brining clarity, sharpen the mind, and increase the power of Intuition.
- to support protection from negativity and obstacles removal.
- to support a closer connection with the powers of nature and the cosmos.

All beads are wired by copper wire with higher intentions and purity. Copper has the ability to ease pain and flush out toxins from the body, Copper is one of the best natural forms of therapy for conducting life and light.

In Love and Light

Discounts for wholesale (over $333 total purchase) code: wholeness