I keep my seeds stock current. There is no guarantee on the seed germination because seed germination doesn't depend on seeds quality only. they require user experience, perfect temperature, proper watering. so i am selling my seeds as is with no guarantee. 
The Ace 55 Tomato is a beefy, thick walled tomato variety with low acid content. This tomato type has a bright red color and can grow to about 12 oz. in size.


Tomato seeds are a warm weather crop best if started indoors about 6-8 weeks prior to final spring frost. Plant 2-3 seeds 1/4" deep per cell in fertile, humusy, and well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0-6.8. Seeds germinate in 5-14 days, transplant best starts to 1 per pot or 18-36" apart in the garden. Ideal in container gardening. Before sowing, know whether the seed is determinate or indeterminate, as each will exhibit different habits.

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