Our Safe-T-Line Soft Shackles are assembled from the same winchrope in 1/2" diameter for extra strength. A soft shackle can be use in situations where a standard D-ring shackle won't work - around rollbars, or tubular bumpers, etc. We recommend having a pair of both soft shackles and a pair of quality D-ring shackles when venturing offroad. Safe-T-Line synthetic fiber rope is the latest development of UHMPE fiber in a twelve-strand braided rope utilizing Parallay design with proprietary urethane coating. Synthetic winch rope was introduced to the off-road vehicle markets in the 1990’s. It rapidly became a must-have accessory for both hard-core rockcrawlers and off-road enthusiasts. Soft Shackles are the latest application for this versatile mega-strong fiber. Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description: Our Safe-T-Line Soft Shackles are assembled from the same winchrope in 1/2" diameter for extra strength. A soft shackle can be use in situations where a standard D-ring shackle won't work - around rollbars, or tubular bumpers, etc. We recommend having a pair of both soft shackles and a pair of quality D-ring shackles when venturing offroad. Safe-T-Line synthetic fiber rope is the latest development of UHMPE fiber in a twelve-strand braided rope utilizing Parallay design with proprietary urethane coating. Synthetic winch rope was introduced to the off-road vehicle markets in the 1990’s. It rapidly became a must-have accessory for both hard-core rockcrawlers and off-road enthusiasts. Soft Shackles are the latest application for this versatile mega-strong fiber.