UP FOR SALE IS Hart's tongue fern, Asplenium Scolopendrium.1000 spores.
Found in north America, Europe and Asia, this is the species most commonly grown outdoors in cooler climates.
This very unusual fern doesn't have the usual divided leaves of other ferns. Hart's tongue ferns display tight rosettes of broad, shiny, undivided, strap-shaped leaves, each frond is 1-1-1/2" wide x 6"-15" long.
This unusual fern is very frost hardy and will give a tropical look to your shade garden.
perennial hardy
Zone: 5-9
Sun: full shade to morning sun.
Water: regular
Soil: rich, well-draining soil.
Height: up to 12"-15" tall and 24" wide.
Bloom time: no flowers
difficultly: easy