Brand new factory sealed dvd is Out Of Print (OOP) in all formats and no longer being produced. Presented in it's original 1.66:1 aspect ratio which is technically considered full frame.

Reverend Peter has brought his photogenic family to this little speck of Louisianna to spread the Word. There's a whole lotta praying, alright: they've just moved into a home that was built on top of the stake where countless witches were burned. It turns out witches feed upon the souls of children and kids Carole & Martin are ringing the dinner bell.

Light beams through a sinister crack in the wall, an antique radio all of a sudden makes a mad dash for the dinner table, figures head-to-toe in black shuffle around the house, a heat seeking cleaver flies slowly across the room, a head and hands threaten to break through a wall, and a portal to hell that drags Martin into a parallel dimension.

It's around this time that the producers remember "hey wait, the 'Exorcist' made way more money than 'Poltergeist'" and decide to rip that off instead as Martin comes back possessed...