The experience of teaching about the endemic diseases between pets, published by Vsevolod Vsevolodov, Imperial Medical-Surgical Academy, Ordinary Professor, College Counsellor, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery. In Russian/Opyt ucheniya o poval'nykh boleznyakh mezhdu domashnimi zhivotnymi, izdannyy Vsevolodom Vsevolodovym, Imperatorskoy Mediko-khirurgicheskoy akademii ordinarnym professorom, kollezhskim sovetnikom, doktorom meditsiny i khirurgii. In Russian. Vsevolodov, Vsevolod Ivanovich. Experience of teaching about widespread diseases between pets, published by Vsevolod Vsevolodov, Imperial Medical and Surgical Academy, Ordinary Professor, College Counsellor, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery. St. Petersburg: 1846, type. Staff of the Department of Internal Guard Corps The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU4432801