Candle Bush Germination:
1) Gently rub with fine sandpaper. When the shell starts to change color, stop sanding.
2)  Use a thermos to soak the seeds overnight in a bowl of 120-degree Fahrenheit water. Keep the seeds that sink to the bottom and throw away the seeds that float.
3) Plant seeds 2 inches apart in the moistened seed starting mix. Lightly cover with a very fine layer of moist soil.
4) Use a piece of plastic with a few tiny hole cut into it to cover and seal it shut to retain humidity.
5) Use a heated propagator mat to keep the soil temperature appx. 80 degrees F. during the day. Turning the heating mat off at night can greatly increase germination rates as it mimics their natural conditions using alternating temperatures.
6) Keep them under a bright light. (Not direct sunlight)
7) Germination should occur within 9-26 days. Remove the plastic once they are 2 inches tall.