50-200X CAST




This is a spell called "GIFTS OF VENUS", a spell derived from Ancient Medieval Magick and secretly passed down and guarded for generations. 

As Albina says, Venus, also known as the Greek Goddess Aphrodite in Greek Mythology, was the Goddess of Love. However, she was also legendary for her power of inspiration, heightened senses and transformation!! this spell will grant:

*The attraction of fiery, passionate TRUE love
*Increased "feminine" beauty, strengths and instincts- enhanced "gut" feelings 
* Transforming the average or ordinary into the extraordinary and amazing! 


Albina says that what is unique about this Magick, is that in addition to the already POTENT strengths one will be granted, one may request a favor by asking Venus to assist in a sepcific area of one's life!! She explains that what is unique about this SPELL is that one may simply concentrate on a desired "goal" for Venus to empower such as:


*Improved Love life  * Find One's Soul Mate *Influence and power *Harmony and Balance *Answers to the "mysteries of the Heart" *Transformation of routine or physical appearance *Rekindle Lost Love *Inspiration of the Creative process *Enhanced attraction * and more...

with her long held and revered "strongest ties" spell.  This powerful Old spell will protect both lovers, family & close friends, GREATLY protects children from negativity & interference from both influences of this plane as well as others, connect one on a "deeper" level with others,  delivers an "awareness" of one's place in the structures of the Earth, and provides a HIGH level of "connectedness" with ancestral spirits bringing forth guidance and strengths!


Please allow 1-3 weeks for this to fully align