Pansy ‘Swiss Giants Mix’

(Viola wittrockiana)

Container, Edible, Flower Seeds for Beds and Borders

Pansy ‘Swiss Giants Mix’ seed mix is a large-flowered, heirloom pansy that comes in a mix of blue, orange, purple, red, white and yellow. Flowers have a contrasting, dark blotch. Pansies are perennials but are generally treated as annuals. They are quite cold resistant, and the flowers are edible.

Giant Pansy (Viola x Wittrockiana Swiss Giant) - No garden is complete without red Pansy flowers! Easily grown from Pansy seeds, this Swiss giant Pansy reaches 3 inches across and features a cardinal red bloom with a black blotch. The Viola Swiss giant is known for its large flowers and black blotches in the center, and it is one of the largest Pansy flowers available. Pansies are ideal for fall color, and in mild climates, they can bloom all fall, winter, and into the spring. Such a cool season performer, and it can be grown from flower seeds!

Edible Flowers: Decorative and edible garnish for salads and desserts with slight wintergreen flavor. While a popular choice for brightening up salad mix, the flowers are also good for candying.