Vintage Dr. Who Magazine Issues 160 - 166 & 168 - 169 (In Good Condition)
- These issues relay information about the popular series Dr. Who and more
- Issue 160: Giant Pullout Poster, Barry Letts interview, Part two of Season 26 guide and more
- Issue 161: Directing Survival, The Masque of Mandragora, etc
- Issue 162: Ace joins the Seventh Doctor
- Issue 163: Elisabeth Sladen on Sarah Jane Smith, Russell Enoch on Ian Chesterton, Terrance Dicks on Writing Who and Gary Downie on The Two Doctors
- Issue 164: The Two Doctors or is it breakdowns? John Nathan-Turner, Marek Anton playing The Destroyer, Terror of the Autons; a new archive begins, plus Mark Ayres, Myths and other legends
- Issue 165: Katy Manning
- Issue 166: Nicola Bryant, Making Mawdryn Undead, Derrick Sherwin on U.N.I.T.
- Issue 168: The Legend continues
- Issue 169: Waiting in the wings, what does the Doctor do next?