“Just keep swimming” will become your mantra after diving into the VHS edition of this ocean life adventure and comedy from Pixar Animation Studios, “Finding Nemo.” From writer and director Andrew Stanton (Toy Story, Monsters Inc.), “Finding Nemo” follows a nervous father named Marlin (Albert Brooks) when he's separated from his son Nemo on the way to his first day of school. While out on his own, Nemo befriends a surfer-dude sea tortoise named Crush and finds himself trapped in a dentist office aquarium. On his quest to get his son back, Marlin comes across a group of conflicted sharks trying to learn some self-control and a hilariously forgetful Regal Blue Tang named Dory (Ellen DeGeneres).Chock full of family-friendly laughs, “Finding Nemo” is an exciting adventure about the lengths a father will go to reunite with his son.

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