Disney Trading Pin

161215     Pinocchio - Great Stromboli Puppet Show - It's Showtime Posters

One of twelve IT'S SHOWTIME POSTERS pins released at both WDW and DLR, one a month during 2024. Each rectangular pin features Disney characters, in a poster design, with various pin-on-pin elements. This pin features Pinocchio and Stromboli. The background is light brown with dark read accents and red glitter. Stromboli is at the top holding two brown marionette string controllers. There's a pale yellow section in the middle with text "The Great Puppet Show" in red and "Strombolli" in gold with blue outline. At the bottom are Pinocchio and two other marionettes. Text at the bottom says "Starring Pinocchio" in dark red

thanks to pinpics for the listing info

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