In the heart of Duckyville’s underground scene, at a shop known as "Punk Pond," there emerged a figure that commanded attention with a silent, rebellious sneer. He was Draven, the Deathrocker Duck, a symbol of the counterculture and a living icon within the town. Draven's plumage was as black as the vinyls spinning in the late-night haunts, highlighted by the starkness of his bold mohawk which spiked defiantly into the air. Rings of white mascara framed his eyes, echoing the full moon's glow and piercing the souls of onlookers with a gaze that spoke of raucous anthems and alleyway philosophies.

Adorned with a collar of spikes that shimmered like the stars above the gloomy cityscape, Draven transcended his existence as a mere duck. He became the embodiment of the gritty serenades that echoed through the cobblestone streets of Duckyville after dark. Cloaked in midnight hues, he was a beacon for the wild-hearted, a talisman for those who danced to the beat of their own drum, their feathers forever unruffled by the mainstream current.

NOTE ONE: The ducks are 3D printed in UV resin and then hand-painted with acrylic paints, thus unsuitable for the bath or water in general.
NOTE TWO: The ducks are not made from rubber or latex, they are not soft and they do not float.
NOTE THREE: Big Duck is about 4 inches (10cm), Small Duckling is about 2.75 inches (7cm).