PURPLE DE MILPA TOMATILLO. This strain produces big yields of 2"- 3" Purple Tomatillo's. The best looking and maybe the best tasting tomatillo on the market. Easy to grow, pretty much carefree after established. Steady medium water and a little fertilizer. Does well in the garden or in patio containers. Growing tomatillo's is very similar to growing tomatoes, but tomatillo's grow a lot faster. Tomatillos need a tomato cage or staking to keep off the ground. The tomatillos are ripe when the husk turns from green to brown and splits open. Tomatillos are a warm weather vegetable, so direct sow seeds in mid-spring or start seed indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost. Thank You!

Open-pollinated, Cert. Organic, Non-Gmo. U.S. Grown seed.
Physalis ixocarpa.
Full sun.
Spring, soil temp 70F+.
SOW 3 seeds per plant,1/4" deep about 36"apart. Keep moist.
Germination 7-14 days.
Thin to 1(best) seedling.
Height 48" x 36" Wide.
Medium water.
Flowers are pink. Blooms in spring.
About 70 Days to first ripe tomatillos. There ripe after husk turns from green to brown and splits open. Plant will produce until nights get below 65F.