Eye of the Storm is the 4th step towards Black Belt in An-shu martial art of To-Shin Do derived from the original Shinden Fudo Ryu and Takagi Yoshin Ryu martial arts of Japan. Presents almost 4 hours of exercises, insights, instruction and ttesting in "wind effortlessness" techniques and tactics for advanced skill in handling bigger and more dangerous aggressors in many of the most common stand-up and take-down street assaults - knowledge and skills taught in Green Belt Training in To-Shin Do. 3 DVDs.
Ships from NC. In case with original cover art. DISK LIKE NEW. Includes training/testing insert.
Additional Details
Product description: Eye of the Storm is the 4th step towards Black Belt in An-shu martial art of To-Shin Do derived from the original Shinden Fudo Ryu and Takagi Yoshin Ryu martial arts of Japan. Presents almost 4 hours of exercises, insights, instruction and ttesting in "wind effortlessness" techniques and tactics for advanced skill in handling bigger and more dangerous aggressors in many of the most common stand-up and take-down street assaults - knowledge and skills taught in Green Belt Training in To-Shin Do. 3 DVDs.