INDIAN GRASS is a native of the Tallgrass prairie. The tough, long stalks were used for weaving. Noted for its ability to comeback and thrive after a fire. Drought tolerant and prefers poor soils. Does not do well in rich soil. If left alone, it will reseed itself and will spread. To control spreading, just cut stalks late summer before seeds drop. Forms large clumps about 2' wide and can get 6' tall. Indian grass turns a rich copper color in fall and stands out against winters greys and browns. Perfect choice for erosion control, natural landscaping or wildlife habitat. Easy to grow from seed and pretty much a carefree plant after seedlings are established, long life span(10yrs+). 500+Quality seeds. Thank You!
Sorghastrum nutans.
Spring, soil temp 50F+.
SOW 3 or 4 seeds,1/16"deep per plant. About 24" apart. Keep moist.
Germination 7-21 Days.
Thin to 1(best) seedling. Use scissors to cut out unwanted sprouts.
Height 36-60" x 24" Wide.
Light water after seedlings are established. Doesn't like fertilizer, plant will droop.
Foliage color is silver / blue during summer and turns yellow / bronze in fall. Flowers are golden brown.