12in. Tall IDPA Hanger Pistol Targets

3/8 in. Thick A36 Mild Steel - 2 Piece Set

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Product Information

  • Set includes two 12in. x 7in. IDPA hanger targets with 5/8" diameter holes for mounting.
  • Targets come finished and unpainted.
  • Great for 22lr, 9mm,.45acp and most other pistol calibers 1400 fps and slower. 
  • NOT rated for high caliber centerfire rifles (.223/5.56, .308)
  • Manufactured to meet NRA specifications from new high quality A36 (mild) steel plate made in the USA
  • Precision cut with a CNC plasma cutter and submersion watercooled during the cutting process to maintain the integrity of the steel, ensuring the longest life of the target.
  • Center hole allows for single point mounting, such as a shepherd's hook, rubber strap or wooden frame.

Shipping Information

All orders ship next business day.



Shooter and spectators must always wear proper eye and hearing protection.

Do not shoot steel targets from closer than 15 yards.

These targets are not designed for use with center fire rifles, shotgun slugs, steelshot, BBs, armor-piercing, steel-core, or other hardened ammunition.

Do not use a target that has been deformed or damaged.



Buyer assumes all responsibility for the use and misuse of the purchased targets.