Vintage Bundle Pencils, Nobility, Metropolitan, Empire, Mongol, Blaisdell, Flare

Here is a nice Bundle of 15 total vintage Graphite Lead Pencils (extras added after photo shoot). Mid to late 20th century items. One owner (draftsman/engineer) some knife sharpened, plenty of lead left, but the erasers are miffy! Nobility, Metropolitan, Empire, Mongol, Blaisdell, Flare, Venus, Associated, Ben Franklin, Dixon, Faber, & More...  See the photos. Ask questions. Be the first on your block to own these!

Graphite Lead

Delectable Collectible Stuff

We always have a lot of quirky & odd-ball collectible stuff on hand. Come to think of it, you might even have to be a bit of a quirky odd-ball to like what we have! So, click right here to see if you qualify:

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