Fred the Ghoul is a series of 9 Halloween Projection Scenes based upon a Creepy Ghoul we call FRED the Ghoul.  Fred does a variety of performances. Scene options include Ghouls that rise up into view, walk around the scene, with a couple of different backgrounds, plus a couple Vertical [tall window] orientations (which do not come in every FX product we make due to time and cost reasons). Vertical Scenes allow projecting onto Tall Thin windows, by flipping the projector 90 degrees, to have an image that better fits the space. Videos are Mpeg 4 [mp4] HD Videos. This product is not available as DVD, and is delivered as a Digital Download or on a Standard Labeled USB Flash Drive [which could say, VIDEO ON USB by Hyers Productions, or blank].

The USB flash drive comes in a Standard MOVIE [aka DVD style] Album case, with our original GHOULS cover, with a white label “VOLUME 2”.

The demo video shows the content. Note, for “attention-span” time savings reasons, just like a Hollywood Movie Trailer does not show thee entire movie in the trailer, our demo shows shortened segments of all effects, SO you can see what you are getting, without being forced to watch every minute of the entire product. Scene vary in length between 30-60 seconds, and are easily repeated with Digital Media Players, Computer Video Players, or Projectors which play USB Flash Drive.