Synopsis: Introduces a faraway universe--filled with planets and races more fantastic than ever seen in this world--and follows its struggles for justice, freedom, and peace. For centuries, the kingdom of the beautiful, reptilian Viis flourished. But time, plague, and their own short-sighted arrogance have taken their toll and an empire is now down to one decaying homeworld. One of the Viis is not concerned. He has just purchased a pet for his daughter, an Aaroun, thought to be a lower form of life with fur and sharp teeth. History will name her Ampris the Exile, the Leader of the Great Emancipation, Conqueror of the Viis... Book 1 of Lucasfilm's Alien Chronicles trilogy. By the author of The Crimson Claw and The Crystal Eye.

Defects: Covers have small dings/rubs; pages have light age-tanning; spine has light reader's creasing

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Genre: Deborah Chester Books; Adult Fiction; Out of Print Book Editions; Science Fiction; Sci Fi Novels; Alien Invasion; Space Opera