Hibiscus 'Moulin Rouge'

This offer is for a trimmed & dormant plant - do not keep indoors, this plant should be planted in the garden upon arrival.  Plant will not re-emerge until late spring regardless of where you live because, in addition to warm temperatures, it requires long days of sunshine to break dormancy. Kindly note: if you are new to hardy hibiscus please know that the little bit of stem we leave on our dormant hibiscus turns brown and dries out in winter, you can remove it or leave it.  We leave a little stem on our dormant plants so that you can see where you plant them. Hardy hibiscus are usually the last plants to emerge in late spring, the stem reminds you of where you planted it. All new growth on hardy hibiscus in spring comes from the root zone, different from tropical hibiscus that grow from the stem. Hardy hibiscus die completely to the ground in winter.
Hibiscus 'Moulin Rouge' features large 10" red flowers on chocolate-cherry foliage. A strong grower that always puts on a beautiful flower display. Another unique Fleming Hardy Hibiscus. PP#27535.



SUN EXPOSURE: Full sun to part sun.

SIZE SHIPPED: 2.5" pot.
 A well rooted plant. Second photo is approximately what you will receive.

Hibiscus are tropical looking plants with huge dinner plate-sized flowers. Although they may appear tender these are hardy perennials that tolerate the cold as far north as Minnesota. These are not house plants.  Our selections are some of the very best varieties available. Our specially selected bushes are reproduced vegetatively so that the superior qualities can be maintained. These are not inferior seedlings. These starter shrubs are of blooming age.  These plants grow exceptionally fast when kept moist and fertilized.  Often the last perennials to emerge in late spring, they more than make up for the late start with an incredible growth spurt. We include complete planting instructions with all orders. If you want the best you have come to the right place!