HIGHER MIND spell CAST for you by OUR FULL COVEN LED BY 98 year old Witch

Albina will cast this amazing HIGHER ABILITIES MENTAL EXPANSION Spell for you!!




This is a spell she calls her very powerful"the Higher Mind"spell derived from Ancient Medieval Magick and secretly passed down and guarded for generations until modern day by the Ancient Order of Druids! As Albina says, many of the inspiring attributes granted by this very "olde and potent" spell are derived from as long ago as the Legend of Merlin (Myrddian and the myth of Ambrosius). Albina says that "this spell is a truly inspiring and POTENT spell that has been long guarded and cherished by many for centuries !"Some of the abilities and attributes granted include:

*channeling "pure knowing" from higher realms * opens and expands the mind to become more receptive to high knowledge and wisdom * enhances manifestation by unraveling "knots" of energy and allowing for a more steady flow or powerful energies *Rid oneself of addictive or condotioned bahviors patterns and instead "give oneself over" to the divine, pure and healing powers * Fiercely Protecting one from negative or "dark" energies, influences or attacks *"erasing" fear, doubt or disbelief in order to grant pure Magick to assist without interrutption or interference" *Resolving "problems" and dilemmas with little to no effort
Albina says that the "Higher Mind" spell will allow one to achieve many "life enhancing" abilities and strengths including:
*Inner purification *Dissolving distortions, conditioned patterns and replacing with clarity of thought and purity of mind* *Opening the heart to all that is healing, empowering and progressive in order to achieve one's goals *Enhance Magickal energies by eliminating residual negative energies that detract from power * Empowering creation and manifestation by "relaxing" the mind and "letting go" of a need for "perfection" *Recognizing and achieving "higher truth" by channeling ancient wisdom and methods of Magick!!
In closing, She also "suggests that this one ALLOW 1-3 WEEKS FOR THIS SPELL'S ENERGIES TO ALIGN WITH ONE'S PERSONAL ENERGIES. My LOVING BLESSINGS to Albina for all of her amazing time and energy!!!

