Darboux G. Darboux G. Lecons sur la Theory Generale des Surfaces et les Applications Geometriques du Calcul Infinitesimal. P. 4. Deformation Infiniment Petite et Representation Spherique In French/Darboux G. Darbu G. Lecons sur la Theorie Generale Des Surfaces et les Applications Geometriques du Calcul Infinitesimal. P. 4. Deformation Infiniment Petite et Representation Spherique Lectures on General Surface Theory and Geometric Applications of Infinitely Small Analysis: in 4 Volumes. Volume 4: Infinitely Small Bending and Spherical Representation. In French, Paris Imprimerie Gauthier-Villars et Fils 1925 348c.Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb2a7313c0fd8044ac.