Arthur Conan Doyle. The notes about Sherlock Holmes. The dog of the Baskervilles. The Red Alliance. The Mystery of the Bohemian Valley. The Five Grains of Orange. The Man with the Dissected Lip. The Blue Carbuncle In Russian /Artur Konan Doyl. Zapiski o Sherloke Kholmse. Sobaka Baskerviley. Soyuz ryzhikh. Tayna Boskomskoy doliny. Skandal v Bogemii. Pyat zernyshek apelsina. Chelovek s rassechennoy guboy. Goluboy karbunkul. Pestraya lenta. Znatnyy kholostyak. Zheltoe litso. Obryad doma Mesgreyvov. Series: Library of Adventures. First series. Volume 5. Illustrations by N. Zeitlin. Translation from English, edited by Korney Chukovsky. Introductory article by Roots Chukovsky. Moscow. Detguz. 1956. 624 p. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb4343d8c605cb3819.