Elegant hand-forged steel rebar handles, custom-made to order. They are perfect for modern industrial and loft interiors. These handles are ideal for cabinet doors, wardrobe drawers, kitchen units, and anything that can be opened.

PLEASE NOTE: If you plan to purchase more than five items, please contact us before buying so we can calculate the exact shipping cost for your location. It is usually lower than the automatically calculated shipping cost in the order form.

• This item is not in stock. Custom orders are welcome.

• Rebar diameter is 1/2" (0.8 cm).
• Metal bar dimensions are 3/4" x 1 7/16" (2 cm x 3.6 cm).
• Handle length ranges from 4 1/2” (11.6 cm) to 26” (66 cm). Custom lengths, including longer than listed, are also available.
• We use standard hole spacing:
- 3 3/4" (9.6 cm) for length 4 1/2” (11.6 cm)
- 5 1/16" (12.8 cm) for length 5 13/16” (14.8 cm)
- 6 5/16" (16 cm) for length 7” (18 cm)
- 7 9/16" (19.2 cm) for length 8 5/16” (21.2 cm)
- 8 13/16" (22.4 cm) for length 9 5/8” (24.4 cm)
- 10 1/16" (25.6 cm) for length 10 7/8” (27.6 cm)
- 11 5/16" (28.8 cm) for length 12 1/8” (30.8 cm)
- 12 5/8" (32 cm) for length 13 3/8” (34 cm)
- 13 7/8" (35.2 cm) for length 14 5/8” (37.2 cm)
- 15 1/8" (38.4 cm) for length 16” (40.4 cm)
- 16 3/8" (41.6 cm) for length 17 1/8” (43.6 cm)
- 17 5/8" (44.8 cm) for length 18 3/8” (46.8 cm)
- 18 7/8" (48 cm) for length 19 3/4” (50 cm)
- 20 1/8" (51.2 cm) for length 20 1/2” (53.2 cm)
- 21 3/8" (54.4 cm) for length 22 3/16” (56.4 cm)
- 22 11/16" (57.6 cm) for length 23 1/2” (59.6 cm)
- 24" (60.8 cm) for length 24 3/4” (62.8 cm)
- 25 3/16" (64 cm) for length 26” (66 cm)

• Sold individually (price is for one pull).
• 100% handmade.