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Coco Fiji - Raw Coconut Face & Body Bar Soap Tea Tree Spearmint - 7 oz.

Item Description
Organic Fiji Face and Body Soap Tea Tree SpearmintWith Certified Organic Virgin Coconut Oil - 7 oz. (198 g)Begin and end your day with one of the soothing aromas of Organic Fiji's nourishing cleanser. This certified organic soap is made with few ingredients to provide pure skin care that not only cleanses and treats your skin but also awakens your senses. Choose from a variety of aromas. Tea Tree SpearmintBegin and end your day with the soothing aroma of Organic Fiji's Tea Tree Spearmint nourishing cleanser. This certified organic soap is made with few ingredients to provide pure skin care that not only cleanses and treats your skin but also awakens your senses. Australian Tea Tree Oil, nature's anti-bacterial, bombines with the cooling aroma of Spearmint to deeply cleanse and soothe problem skin. Health Benefits of Coconut Oil for the Skin, Body, Face & Hair Coconut is one of nature's most miraculous fruits, and has an abundance of benefits and uses. For centuries, the coconut has been one of the main staples of the people of Fiji, the Pacific Islands, and throughout the Tropics. Whether absorbed or digested Cold Pressed Coconut Oil, the unrefined fat removed from the coconut, is the key byproduct that Organic Fiji uses to unlock the coconut's full potential.  What are some benefits to using Coconut Oil for the skin? Now it is no surprise that Coconut Oil is great for the skin. Fijians and Pacific Islanders have always had beautiful, smooth, healthy, and age defying skin even while being exposed to the relentless sun and the harsh salty sea air. Their secret is in their native island product, Coconut Oil! It has been used as a natural skincare treatment for centuries. Coconut oil is nature's most abundant source of Medium-Chain Triglycerides. When applied to your skin, your natural good bacteria convert these Medium-Chain Triglycerides into Antimicrobial Fatty Acids. Antimicrobial Fatty Acids prevent viral, fungal, and bacterial infections, including y


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