You will receive a plant like the one shown. Your plant will ship semi-bare root (no pot/some soil) carefully wrapped in tissue paper in packaging tailored to the plants in your order to ensure the safest possible delivery to you.

Your plant might not display the same colors as those pictured. Please allow for some variance among live plants. Please also note that the plant will be traveling in a dark box, so it might lose some brightness.

Succulent Care

Be sure to use a well-drained soil such as cactus mix. They need bright light, but be cautious with full sun in hotter climates. Always transition plants slowly into sun, morning sun or partial sun to start, moving into more in 6-8 days, depending on your climate.

Succulents must dry out between watering, but water fully, to the point the water runs out the bottom of the pot. Do not allow water to sit if you use a saucer beneath the plant pot. Don't water again until soil is completely dry. Watch closely to learn best practices, given your climate and growing conditions.

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