Flexible Discharge Tube, 1 1/2 in

'Flexible Discharge Tube, -, Material of Construction Plastic, Color/Finish White, Pipe Size (In.) 1-1/2, Cord Length (In.) -, Air Tube Length (In.) -, Voltage -, Sink/Bowl Hole Dia. A (In.) -, C - Inside Bend Dia. (In.) -, Dimension B (In.) -, Dimension D (In.) -, Dimension E (In.) -, Order Adapter Ring Number -, Special Information -, For Use With Waste Disposers, Standards -, Includes One Flexible Tube And Two Gaskets For Mounting To The Disposer And Waste Pipe'

  • Price For: Each Dimension E (In.): - Material of Construction: Plastic Air Tube Length (In.): - Special Information: - Cord Length (In.): - Sink/Bowl Hole Dia. A (In.): - Dimension B (In.): - For Use With: Waste Disposers Type: - Dimension D (In.): - C - Inside Bend Dia. (In.): - Pipe Size (In.): 1-1/2 Item: Flexible Discharge Tube Standards: -
  • Color/Finish: White Voltage: - Order Adapter Ring Number: - Package Quantity: 1 Includes: One Flexible Tube And Two Gaskets For Mounting To The Disposer And Waste Pipe Country of Origin (subject to change): United States
estimates delivery times and we work to get your item to you as quickly as possible and within those times, but please know it may take slightly longer than the estimate.