Dropssiper get 20% discount
Resesller get 30% discount
Wholesalers welcome to negotiate.
Handling time normally 7 days except wholesale orders, make to orders, and out of stock may take longer time
Buy over 150 USD and get free express shipping.
For express shipping 5-7 days, you must leave phone number within 7 days after order. If you not confirm we will ship by USPS (10-12 days)
For dropship, we accept stripe.
For retail customers, reseller ,and wholesale, we accept stripe, PayPal or L/C
Accept return for exchange only
Size: width 97cm length 2m
Material : Woven fabric
Make to order: no
Retail, dropship, and resell : yes same style and material but random pattern and may random color
Wholesale yes over 10 pieces same style and material but random pattern and may random color
Hand woven fabric for multi purposes
From expert villagersl