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For your consideration I have a well-written and historically fascinating letter from a Stamford, Connecticut school teacher named D.H. White who writes his cousin Hannah M.Youngs on May 26th 1845.  The two and one half letter covers The Texas Annexation~ Lone Polk Girls~ The Temperance Movement~ Anti-Slavery~ Whigs and Democrats and getting married among other segue related topical comments. I have listed some of the highlights of this correspondence for your inspection. Please take a moment to read the letter in its entirety with the high resolution images I have provided.

Important Temperance movement in Watertown. Some of the Teetotalers in George E. Waring and Theodore Davenport  have prevailed on Mr. Osborne of the Union House to relinquish the sale on intoxicating drinks. He has placed his name to the Pledge….though the” Advocate ”thinks not.”
I don’t profess to be much of a politician but I have diligently and impartially sought for the truth and have deliberately formed my opinions, and am confident they are about O.K. I read all sides-----I take Whig, Democrat Anti-Slavery and neutral papers. The local papers alone would have made me a Whig and Anti-Slavery.
I have been so absorbed in reading Politics especially in Texas controversy  that I have hardly thought of writing letters on anything else except the “Anti-Annexation Lines” which I published anonymously a short time since. Apropos Lome Polk girls told me the other day that I am opposed to Annexation…. That I will never get married! It is commonly the misfortune of Schoolmaster’s to be old Bachelors.  Whether I am ever annexed to a pretty girl or not, I hold to annexation in a matrimonial sense but NOT to Texas “No…  how you can fix it.”
How can a hotel be supported without the sale of liquor…and can it survive.” Many doubt the success of this experiment as another hotel close by sells the poison beverage.
The weather has been unusually cool for the season this time of year. I took the stove out of my school room and it came cool again, but being out of wood I thought it useless to set it up again…I now have to wear my winter dress and warm the “youngans” with a young Hickory to keep them comfortable”.
Excuse my penmanship  as I’m in haste, any my odd  eccentric style, I’m an Oddfellow, though not a member of the Independent Order of the Odd Ones.
From D.H.White to ( Dear Cousin) Miss Hannah M.Youngs.
Written from Stanford, Connecticut  May 26th 1845

Ref: archival B Container