PLEASE remember these are "STARTER PLANTS"!!! Please DO NOT transplant them into giant pots!!! Put it in a 4 inch pot with fast draining soil and leave it for at least 6 months!!!! When it outgrows that size then you can move up a size or plant into the ground.
We always send the biggest plants first! the size you get it well rooted!!!
Do not place this young plant in direct sunlight. ALWAYS PROTECT YOUNG PLANTS FROM TEMPS BELOW 45!
Don't let it get bone dry but don't keep it soaked either. Just evenly moist & well drained. Reduce water in winter.
NOTICE: If your plant arrives badly damaged I will need photo proof within 24 hours of delivery. I will need photos of the box and the plant in order to send out a replacement. A leaf that comes off during shipment or minor branch breakage does not constitute serious damage. I will only replace the plant if it is badly broken, crushed, or dead on arrival. Some wilting and/or yellowing of leaves or leaf lose it normal. Minor branch breakage is normal.
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