INK. for CSP: 41 Sub-Tools for Inking +

INK. 41 Sub Tools with settings for Inking (38 Pen Sub-tools with settings + 3 splash/blot brushes identic to the “SPLASHES” Brush set) + Auto Action for 100% black

This set allows for reaching the effects of drawing and writing with real instruments filled with ink.
The Sub Tools were tested in CSP versions 1.6.2, 1.6.3, and Manga Studio 5, so all higher (newer) versions surely accept these sub tools.

• You will receive:

1. 41 sub tools saved in ZIP-archive “INK. Sub Tools”, each one is saved as one of 41 SUT-file titled “INK. ©.sut”;

2. DEHALFTONIZER Auto Action, in two options: common DEHALFTONIZER, Hard INK Drawing.laf and option for old versions (Manga Studio) — DEHALFTONIZER, Hard INK Drawing-for Manga Studio.laf.

3. INK. for CSP, Documentation, Manual & FAQs.pdf. User’s short manual in PDF format, with basic documentation and frequently asked questions. You can download it here:

4. STROKECHART of INK. Sub tools.jpg. The hi-resolution (4568 × 2695 px) list image of Set’s brushes with their titles and examples of their stroke/trail. Subdivided by color into:

• Sharp Nibs — 10 brushes;
• Brushes simulating the work of the side surface of the ruling pen or cola pen — 9 brushes;
• Brushes with different lengths and hardness of hair, humidity, and action area — 14 brushes;
• Spray brushes — 5 brushes;
• Bonus Blot & Splash brushes — 3 brushes;
Totally: 41 brushes with settings.